Friday, June 5, 2015

I will remember all of Mrs. G’s stories. I will also remember our persuasive essays about our environment. I will remember all of the read aloud books and how she reads them. I will remember all the new and not so new friends that I made. But most of all, I will remember how I felt when I entered the classroom on the first day of school.

I think I’m most proud of my famous New Hampshire people and circuit board projects. It was very fun to construct the wiring. The wax museum was fun because you got to dress-up as your person and get to say your speech over and over. It got annoying after a while I’ll give you that. But it was very fun.

I’m looking forward to the clubs that the middle school has to offer. I am also looking forward to the freedom at the middle school.  Band also sounds pretty cool. I’m playing percussion. But most of all, I can’t wait to meet the Moharimet kids.I

Friday, May 22, 2015

In class we have been studying famous NH people. I studied Robert Frost. I’m really excited for the wax museum where we get to show off our projects. I think that the hardest part of this unit was writing our biographies. I’m most proud of my poster because I finished it in one day and it looks great. Focus can help you accomplish lot’s!
Robert Frost, famous poet 
By Michael O’Laughlin 
 One of the most famous poets in the U.S. is Robert Frost. He was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1875. His father was a journalist and his mother was a teacher. His father died in 1885 leaving the family with only $8. He had to move to his grandfather’s house with his mother and sister. But as Robert Frost got older, his talent for writing began. Living at his grandfather’s house was not easy. His grandfather was mean so they moved to Salem New Hampshire. He went to Dartmouth and when he left he got married to a girl named Eleanor Miriam White. Robert and Eleanor had a son named Eliot who unfortunately died at age 8. They had a daughter and moved to Derry New Hampshire, their daughters name was Lesly. Robert Frost also had a lot of other jobs besides writing. Lots of his early jobs might be surprising to you. Robert took his first job as a cobbler nailing heels to boots. Then they moved to Vermont and farmed for nine years. Unfortunately they were unsuccessful. He also worked for a newspaper but quit after a few months. His first jobs were pretty cool and they just got better and better. As the years past he started to write poems. He sent his first poem to a magazine and it was accepted. Frost received over 40 honorary degrees. Then Robert Frost taught at Amherst College. He is most famous for writing poems about rural life. His jobs were surprising and weird, but they were a part of why he is known to day. Robert Frost won many awards and accomplished many achievements. Robert went to Harvard and was writing some of his early poems. When he graduated he won four Pulitzer Prizes. Then he stepped up and earned the Congressional Gold Medal for his poetical works in 1960. He also spoke in front of Kennedy, and that was a big honor. He was a very busy man at that time. Other facts that you may not know is that he had a daughter that died three days after birth. He encouraged his students to use their senses in their writing. He died at age 88. Robert was a loving man that had lots of experience with children. And because of all this he was influenced to become one of the greatest poets ever known.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Do not litter!

Littering can hurt people, animals, and plants. So many critters get stuck in cans and bottles and starve to death. Also 80% of all litter is food packaging! Plus every year millions of birds and sea animals die from litter. And if that’s not enough every year little children get hurt or cut on litter and need medical attention. If we don’t do something then numbers will only grow. However, these shocking facts can be changed, and this world will be a cleaner, happier,   environment.

But that’s not all even more than you think is going on. When people litter it can harm or stunt plant growth. And every year in Pennsylvania alone thousands of vehicles get into accidents accrue because of litter. Plus litter is unsanitary and can cause people to become dangerously ill. Birds get stuck in litter and can’t fly away from danger, so, if you are a bird lover, pick up litter. See? So many more things are happening than you might think! Would you call me crazy if I said that’s not all?

Despite all these problems you can help. You can teach kids and adults not to litter. You can set up or attend to a community clean-up. You can randomly pick up trash and litter on your block or around your neighbor-hood. You could start an event to raise money for litter clean-up. These are some of the many ways you can help stop litter. I think you should do at least one.

You can do things and I have been doing stuff too! I recycle a bunch and some times compost. I pick up litter around my community and neighbor-hood. I've warned people of litter so they don’t get hurt. I  also plan on going on a long walk to pick up litter. But even if I do things it would make more of a difference if you did some thing too!

I think that this is a huge deal that every one is involved in. This Problem is not only affecting the lives of today, but if we don’t do something it can affect the lives of the future. So pick up litter and save the children of the next generation.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Electricity Blog

Hi, my name is Michael. How are you?
Welcome to my blog. Here you can see some things that I have been working on in the fourth grade classroom of Mrs. Gerard, Mast Way School, Lee New Hampshire. You can comment (nice comments) to question the post or say you like it. I love trains and I also like writing time. At writing time we are working on poetry. My favorite is recipe poetry.
I hope you like my blog!   

In school I am learning about electricity in science. I have learned about open and closed circuits and that the circuit has to be closed for the current to flow. I can light a light bulb 5 different ways with tin foil, masking tape, a D battery, and a mini light bulb. I think electricity is fascinating. What about you?